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Fibwi Palma

fibwi Palma presents the subscriber campaign with the aim of fighting for promotion

Fibwi Palma has officially presented the season ticket holder campaign for this season today. Under the motto #Unviatgequevalguilapena, the club chaired by Guillermo Boscana winks at the fans of Son Moix to come and support the team in a season that marks the beginning of a new path for the people of Palma that they will face in the first days of September the dispute of the first days of the Spanish Cup and later they will begin, on the first weekend of October, the league competition visiting HOMS U.E. Killed.
The new subscriber campaign has been officially presented at the Las Sirenas Restaurant in S'Arenal in an event that was attended by Guillermo Boscana, president of CB Imprenta Bahía San Agustín, Francisco Alcalde, CEO of Fibwi, main sponsor of the club and Martí Vives, sports director of Fibwi Palma.

The campaign presents a slight increase in prices compared to last season, with the general season ticket priced at 80 euros, the Junior and Senior season tickets at 40 euros, the premium season ticket at 140 euros and the protector at 220 euros. This last category includes, as is usual in recent seasons, the possibility of traveling with the team. “The explanation for the increase in price is very simple. The FEB has introduced a new competition. There was a historical demand from the clubs which was to unify the cups that existed in each category and that the teams that rose from EBA to Second FEB had the option of playing with those from First FEB. This new competition has been created and that means at least two more games in Son Moix and the increase is due to that reason,” commented Guillermo Boscana.

The objective of this campaign is more than defined: “Last year we far exceeded 1,000 members and reached close to 1,500. The more we do this year, the better. I think the prices are affordable for people who like basketball and we call on those people to come and support the club because, at the end of the day, this is everyone's thing and we will achieve it together."

The president of Fibwi Palma has confirmed that with the incorporation of Jone Pedro the squad is closed and Guillermo Boscana also explained his impressions for the new season. “In these last two seasons we have learned many things, there have been, unfortunately, more bad things than good but we also learn from the bad. My message is the same one I sent at the end of the press conference after descending. I would like to be able to play in Primera FEB as quickly as possible. It hasn't been possible in the last two years and now we have the option of this year," he commented, adding, in reference to that objective, that "it is an objective that we all work for and that is not easy because, without being very wrong, I would say that of the 28 teams that make up the Second FEB there are 12 that want the same as us and there are three places to go up. The one who does better will go up and the one who doesn't won't” to finally underline: “The objective? The objective is to compete in each game and try to win each game and then the league puts us where we deserve. I hope it is among those first three positions.”

Francisco Alcalde, CEO of Fibwi, the team's main sponsor, has indicated that “changes are being made in the club and I believe they are on the right track. The fans must play a great role for the team to go up to Primera FEB. This promotion is achieved with the support of sponsors and fans. I want to invite everyone because the experience we have has been positive and that is why we repeat. I invite more sponsors to support this team because with the changes that have been made this team promises a lot”

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