Legal Notice

The website is owned by WIFIBALEARES, S.L. (hereinafter 'FIBWI'). According to Article 10 of Law 34/2002 (Information Society Services Act) and in compliance with the information duty set forth in that article, the information about the owner of this site is:

Trade NameFIBWI (hereinafter this term will be used)
AddressC/Sabaters, 13, 07300, Inca, Islas Baleares
Registration DataCommercial Registry of Baleares, Volume 2385, Book 0, Page 126, Company Section, Sheet PM-63996.
Administrative Authorization to Carry Out the ActivityTelecommunications Installer Company Registration Number: 11347, registered in types A, B, C, D, and F (according to RD 244/2010 of March 5)

Fibwi, as an installation company, has obtained and holds national authorizations for the following operations:

  • Network using DPR – common use – since 08/07/2009.
  • Data transmission – internet access provider – since 08/07/2009 • Telephone service over data networks in interoperability with the public telephone service – telephone service over data networks in interoperability with the public telephone service – since 08/07/2009.
  • Land network – hybrid coaxial and fiber optic – since 26/04/2012.
  • Data transmission – local area network interconnection – since 26/04/2012.
  • Data transmission – resale of transmission capacity/circuits – 26/04/2012.
  • Network using DPR – private use – 26/04/2012.
  • Transport of audiovisual communication services signal – transport of audiovisual communication services signal – since 23/01/2013.
  • Virtual mobile operator – service provider – since 23/01/2013.
  • Resale of fixed telephone service – direct access – since 23/01/2013.
  • Fixed telephone service – fixed telephone service – since 03/08/2018.

The use of the website is subject to the following terms of use. Please read them carefully. By accessing the website and using the materials contained within, you signify that you have read and accept, without reservation, these terms.



This document sets forth the conditions governing the use of this website (hereinafter, the 'Conditions').

Please read the Conditions carefully before using this website.

By using this website, you agree to be bound by these Conditions, so if you do not agree with all of the Conditions, you should not use this website. The information contained in these Conditions may be modified. It is your responsibility to read them periodically, as the Conditions in effect at the time of use of the website will be the ones applicable to you.

FIBWI reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, the content, design, or structure of this website, as well as to alter, replace, or modify the content hosted on it.

The information on this website refers solely to the geographical area of Spanish territory.


This website is operated by WIFIBALEARES, S.L., C/ Sabaters, 13, 07300, Inca, with C.I.F. number B57616351; registered in the Commercial Registry of Baleares.

WIFIBALEARES, S.L. operates under the domain name:


The information or personal data you provide will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy. By using this website, you consent to the processing of such information and data and declare that all information or data you provide is truthful and corresponds to reality.


By using this website you agree to:

  • Use this website solely to access information, services, data, or programs (hereinafter, 'Contents') owned by FIBWI or its licensors.
  • Make appropriate use of the contents and services that FIBWI offers through its website.
  • Provide us with your email address, postal address, and/or other contact details accurately and keep them updated. You also consent that we may use this information to contact you if necessary.
  • Not publish any commercial or advertising information or any information that violates intellectual property laws and/or data protection regulations (unless with prior, written, and express authorization from FIBWI).
  • Not collect information or content from other users.
  • Not remove, delete, alter, or otherwise modify any notes, legends, indications, or symbols that either FIBWI or the legitimate rights holders incorporate into their intellectual or industrial property (e.g., copyright, TM, C, R, etc.), nor the technical protection or identification devices that may be contained in the Contents (e.g., watermarks, digital fingerprints, etc.).
  • Not publish or contribute content that violates respect for the dignity of individuals, discriminatory, malicious, misleading, illegal, or pornographic content that offends youth or children, public order, or public safety, or that, in FIBWI's opinion, is not suitable for publication.
  • Not carry out any action that could disable, overload, or affect the proper functioning of the website.


The user is solely responsible for the use of the website, assuming all risks that may arise.

Due to the open nature of this website and the possibility of errors in the storage and transmission of digital information, FIBWI does not guarantee the accuracy and security of the information transmitted or obtained through this website unless expressly stated otherwise. Therefore, FIBWI shall not be liable, in any case, for damages of any nature that may arise, including, but not limited to, errors or omissions in the content, lack of availability of the website, or transmission of viruses or malicious programs in the content, despite having taken all necessary technological measures to prevent it.

FIBWI reminds you that the following rules—safeguarding public order; criminal investigation; public safety and national defense; protection of public health or individuals; respect for human dignity and the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of race, sex, religion, opinion, nationality, disability, or any other personal or social circumstance; protection of youth and children—must be complied with in the operation of this website. Therefore, FIBWI reserves the right to remove all comments and contributions that violate these rules. In any case, FIBWI will not be responsible for opinions expressed by users through comments or any other participation tools.

To the extent permitted by law, FIBWI expressly excludes all warranties, except those that cannot be lawfully excluded with respect to consumers and users.

The provisions of this clause will not affect your legal rights as a consumer and user.


This website contains advertising and some content that links to other websites or third-party services. These links have their own privacy policies and terms of use, so it is not possible to control the content, security, or links that they offer.

FIBWI shall not be responsible for any information and/or content, products, and/or services not directly generated by it. Therefore, FIBWI shall not be liable in any way for any connection to any website to which there is a link or its use or inability to use, or any failure in performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, even if FIBWI had been or were informed of the possibility of such damages, losses, or expenses.


You acknowledge and agree that all copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights in the materials or content provided as part of the website belong at all times to FIBWI or to those who granted it a license for their use.

You may use such material only in the manner expressly authorized by FIBWI or those who granted it a license for its use.

This does not prevent you from using this website to the extent necessary to copy information about Contact details.

Therefore, it is expressly prohibited to:

  • Use any content and services for illegal purposes, prohibited in these Conditions, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way could damage, disable, overload, deteriorate, or prevent the normal use of the services, computer equipment, or documents, files, and all types of content stored in any computer equipment of FIBWI.
  • Use content and services protected by any intellectual property rights
  • industrial belonging to the entity or third parties, without the user having obtained prior authorization from the holders for the use they are making or intend to make. - Reproduce, copy, distribute, communicate, transform, or modify the content, unless authorized by the holder of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
  • Obtain or even attempt to obtain the content using means or procedures other than those made available to you for this purpose in general, or those commonly used on the Internet as long as they do not involve a risk of damage or disabling the website, services, and/or Contents.
  • Any action or omission, whether culpable or negligent, directly or indirectly attributable to the user, that constitutes an infringement of FIBWI’s intellectual and industrial property rights and causes or may cause damage, losses, new obligations, expenses of any nature, penalties, coercive measures, fines, and other amounts arising or derived from any claim, demands, actions, lawsuits, or proceedings, whether civil, criminal, or administrative, will entitle FIBWI to pursue the user by all legal means available and claim any indemnity amounts, including moral damages and image, actual damage and lost profits, advertising costs, or any other costs that may arise for their repair.


You must not misuse this website by intentionally introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, or any other technology that is harmful or damaging. You must not attempt to gain unauthorized access to this website, the server on which the website is hosted, or any server, computer, or database related to our website. You agree not to attack this website through a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.

Failure to comply with this clause may lead to violations classified by applicable regulations. We will report any such violations to the competent authorities and cooperate with them to discover the attacker’s identity. Additionally, in the event of a breach of this clause, you will immediately cease to be authorized to use this website.

FIBWI will not be liable for any damage or loss resulting from a denial-of-service attack, virus, or any other harmful or damaging technology that may affect your computer, equipment, data, or materials as a result of using this website or downloading content from it or to which it redirects.


FIBWI reserves the right to review, update, modify, and/or delete these Conditions or any information contained on its website, as well as its configuration and features, at any time and without prior notice.

You will be subject to the policies and Conditions in effect at the time you use this website, unless changes are required by law or government decisions that affect these policies, Privacy Policy.

FIBWI reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to both its website and the services offered without prior notice, either at its own initiative or that of a third party, to those users who breach these Conditions.


The use of this website will be governed by Spanish law.

For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this site or the activities conducted on it, Spanish law will apply, to which the parties expressly submit, being the Courts and Tribunals of Inca (Mallorca) competent for the resolution of all conflicts arising or related to its use.