
WIFIBALEARES, S.L., (hereinafter FIBWI), in compliance with the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, wishes to inform its customers about the policy carried out regarding the processing and protection of personal data of those who voluntarily use the forms to contract with FIBWI, any of the services offered, which involve the communication of their personal data to FIBWI.

Identification of the data controller.

WIFIBALEARES, S.L., a company with registered office at C/ SABATERS, 13, 07300, INCA. Phone 971940971, CIF: B57616351, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Baleares, informs its customers and users that it is the owner of this website

ControllerWIFIBALEARES, S.L. (hereinafter, FIBWI)
PurposeComplete management of access to services, their updating, and all kinds of communications
Legitimization:There is no transfer of data to third parties, except for legal obligations that FIBWI is subject to
Rights:Access, rectification, deletion, objection, limitation of processing, and data portability

Policy Updates.

FIBWI will modify this privacy policy without prior notice whenever necessary to adapt it to any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential, or administrative changes or to adapt this policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Parliament, the European Parliament, and the Council of the European Union or the legitimate purpose of FIBWI. Any modification of this policy, notwithstanding the above, will be published and notified by FIBWI. For all the above reasons, FIBWI recommends that customers periodically read these policies to be aware of any changes made to them.

Purpose of processing.

The communication of personal data by customers to FIBWI through its forms can only be understood as occurring when they voluntarily use the subscription form service to contact FIBWI, since in these cases, the processing of data is inevitable and implicit in the consultation and/or contracting system. For these cases and those described in the following section, the entity informs its customers that the data processing is carried out for the following purposes:

  1. In fulfillment of a contract, to carry out all administrative, accounting, fiscal, and logistical management related to the contracting and provision of FIBWI services and products, regarding the commercialization of FIBWI products through e-commerce, manage our company's contact agenda and attend to your inquiries via electronic means.
  2. Granting of your EXPRESS consent (which you can withdraw at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing. Read Chapter 10.- Exercise of ARCO rights), for:
    1. Personalized application of promotional campaigns, subscription to newsletters, commercial communications, event invitations, and/or various types of surveys.
    2. Use anonymously, without any identifying characteristics, for the purpose of conducting analyses and statistical studies by FIBWI or third parties.
  3. By FIBWI's legitimate interest, to:
    1. Improve your expectations and increase your satisfaction as a customer by developing and improving the quality of our products and services or those of third parties, as well as conducting statistics, surveys, or market studies that may be of interest.
    2. Courtesy communications, such as birthday greetings, holiday wishes, or simply wishing you a good day.

Duration of processing.

FIBWI will retain your personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship. Once this is concluded, the data will be retained, properly blocked, for the legal prescription periods, which are generally 10 years. After this period, the data will be destroyed or deleted.

Place of processing.

The processing of files containing personal data, for which FIBWI is responsible, is carried out at:

• FIBWI's headquarters in Inca - Spain.

and are processed by FIBWI's technical staff assigned as data processors and by external processors for occasional maintenance operations.


FIBWI informs that this privacy policy contains all aspects related to the processing of personal data that FIBWI carries out as the data controller. Thus, it is informed that when customers, whether or not they maintain a commercial relationship with FIBWI, send an email or communication to FIBWI, providing other personal data, such a customer is giving their free, unequivocal, specific, informed, and express consent to the processing of their personal data by FIBWI for the purposes established above, as well as to address their communication or send documentation.

For the same purposes, FIBWI informs that if the customer sends an email or communicates their personal data to FIBWI in relation to the position they hold in a company - whether as an administrator, manager, representative, and/or any other position as a contact person in the company - it will be understood that such communication entails the provision of their free, unequivocal, specific, informed, and express consent to the processing of their personal data by FIBWI for the purposes established above, as well as to address their communication or send documentation.

Underage Users:

FIBWI is aware that the Website and the Services and products offered on it may be of interest to a younger audience. Therefore, regarding the collection and processing of personal data, FIBWI does not allow any operations with personal data of minors. Registration is, therefore, only allowed for adult users.

Registration on the Website.

To enjoy certain reserved services (newsletter, favorites list, etc.), the User must register by entering a specific area of the Website.

Subscription to these Special Services is done through a favorites list and/or a newsletter, a periodic communication sent via email to the address provided by the User, through which registered Users will be informed of exclusive initiatives that FIBWI will make available to the Users (“Newsletter”). The Newsletter may also contain advertising banners, insertions, and offers from FIBWI and third parties. When registering, the User will be asked for their personal data, some of which —specifically indicated— will be mandatory (such as the email address where the Newsletter will be received). Other data may or may not be entered at the User’s discretion, but failing to provide them may prevent participation in some of our contests or initiatives, or allow only partial use of the service.

Identification of the recipients to whom FIBWI intends to transfer or grant access to data on behalf of third parties.

FIBWI only plans to communicate data:

  • As required by Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights and the European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data, in order to fulfill its obligations to Public Administrations as required by the current legislation in each case and, where applicable, to other bodies such as Judges, Public Prosecutors, Courts, Ministry of Finance, Court of Auditors, Ombudsman, or similar entities.
  • To financial entities for the direct debit of fees, IT companies for support and maintenance of its IT system, and other professionals necessary for the provision of the contracted service.

FIBWI also informs its customers that any other data transfer that needs to be made will be communicated to them as required by the LOPDGDD, providing express, precise, and unequivocal information about the recipients of the information, the purpose for which the data will be used, and the nature of the transferred data. When required by the LOPDGDD, the customer's specific, informed, and unequivocal consent will be sought beforehand.

However, FIBWI informs the customer that any processing of personal data is subject to the legislation in force in the European Union on data protection, as established by the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, and its complementary and development regulations. In this regard, FIBWI is only responsible for and guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data it requests from the customer, and it has no responsibility for the processing and subsequent use of personal data that may be carried out by third-party information society service providers who may access such data in the course of providing their services or performing their activities.

FIBWI may collect and handle the personal data provided by customers or recipients of campaigns as a data controller on behalf of a third party, who is the data controller for the processing(s) in which such information will be included. FIBWI will duly inform of this situation, indicating the data controller(s) affected, and the method and address where the rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, Objection, Deletion, Limitation of processing, and Portability of the relevant data can be exercised.

Third-party information society service providers include —without limitation— those individuals or entities providing the following services:

  • Transmission through a communication network of data provided by service recipients.
  • Services providing access to the mentioned network.
  • Data storage or hosting services.
  • Provision of content or information.

Data quality.

FIBWI warns the customer that, unless there is a legally established representation, no customer may use another person's identity and communicate their personal data. Therefore, customers should always keep in mind that they may only include personal data corresponding to their own identity that are appropriate, relevant, current, accurate, and truthful. In this regard, customers will be solely responsible for any damage, direct and/or indirect, caused to third parties or FIBWI by the use of another person's personal data or their own personal data when they are false, erroneous, not current, inappropriate, or irrelevant. Likewise, customers who use another person's personal data will be liable to that person for the information obligation established in the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, for cases where personal data have not been collected from the data subject, and/or for the consequences of failing to inform them.

Exercise of rights of access, objection, rectification, cancellation, deletion, limitation of processing, and data portability.

FIBWI informs the customer of the possibility to exercise their rights of access, objection, rectification, cancellation, deletion, limitation of processing, and data portability free of charge by providing a copy of their ID or equivalent identity document along with their request, addressed to FIBWI, via email to the following address:, stating their right in accordance with Section 2 of the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016.

AccessYou may consult your personal data included in FIBWI’s processing.
RectificationYou may modify your personal data if they are inaccurate.
DeletionYou may request the deletion of your personal data.
ObjectionYou may request that your personal data not be processed.
Limitation of processingYou may request the limitation of the processing of your data in the following cases:
  • While the accuracy of your data is being verified.
  • When the processing is unlawful, but you object to the deletion of your data.
  • When FIBWI no longer needs to process your data but you need them for the exercise or defense of claims.
  • When you have objected to the processing of your data for the performance of a task in the public interest or for the satisfaction of a legitimate interest, while it is verified whether the legitimate reasons for the processing prevail over your own.
PortabilityYou may receive, in electronic format, the personal data you have provided to us and those obtained from your contractual relationship with FIBWI, as well as transmit them to another entity.

In case of disagreement with the exercise of your rights or with the processing carried out, you can file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (

Security measures adopted regarding the processing of personal data.

FIBWI informs the customer that, in accordance with the provisions of the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, it has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and prevent their alteration, loss, processing, or unauthorized access, considering the state of technology, the nature of the data stored, and the risks to which they are exposed. Likewise, FIBWI guarantees the customer compliance with the duty of professional secrecy regarding the personal data of customers and the duty to safeguard them.