Fibwi renews its sponsorship agreement with the Rodadors d'Algaida cycling club
The Telecommunications operator Fibwi has renewed its sponsorship agreement with the Rodadors d'Algaida cycling club for another year, in its desire to add value to the island's sports sector.
The signing ceremony took place yesterday, Thursday, January 14, at the facilities of the Telecommunications operator in Inca and was attended by the president of the Club, Miquel Ramón Oliver Cardel, and its vice president, Joan D. González Gamundí, in addition to with the CEO of Fibwi, Francisco Alcalde.
Francisco Alcalde, CEO of Fibwi, is "delighted to resume the agreement as official sponsor of the cycling team for another year, with the main objective of promoting physical activity and providing more value if possible to the island's sports sector in these difficult times." that we live".
The Rodadors d'Algaida club has about 60 cyclists in its ranks, who will wear the Fibwi brand emblem on their tights, and with this new agreement "we guarantee the possibility of carrying out activities that promote cycling in the municipality of Algaida and to continue growing as a club and to be able to extend it throughout the island," declared its president Miquel Ramón Oliver.
Oliver also expressed that "for Rodadors it is a pleasure to have the support of our sponsor Fibwi for another year."
For his part, Joan D. González assured that "we are very happy for the commitment that Fibwi makes with us, for believing in our project and opting for the continuity of the sponsorship at a time as delicate as this." "I'm sure that this way we will have many more joys," he concluded.